In the renowned mountain village of Reit im Winkl, renowned for being one of the leading spa resorts with a healthful climate (695 m) in the Bavarian Alps, an extended network of hiking trails and convenient walking paths as well as mountain biking routes through mountain forests and over sunny mountain pastures are waiting for you.
Visit us at the Winklmoos-Alm. It hosts a variety of hiking trails and paths where you can enjoy the mountainous landscape.
Following a strenuous day of hiking, have a rest and let yourself be pampered at our restaurant in the Hotel Winklmoosalm. As a registered hotel guest at Hotel Oberschmied, you are entitled to a discount of 10%. Please ask us for details.
There is also a wide variety of other leisure, recreational and wellness activities such as Nordic walking, golf, miniature golf, guided hikes, cycling routes, outdoor chess, a new high-wire climbing park at Maserer-Pass, tennis courts, an indoor swimming pool with a sauna, an outdoor swimming pool with beach volleyball, swimming lakes with drinking water quality and much, much more.
The cultural life is varied as well. Folk music, traditional music, spa orchestra concerts, operettas, musicals, live performances by popular musicians and artists, folkloric evenings, peasant theater and snow festivals are part of the regular repertoire in Reit im Winkl.